martes, 11 de noviembre de 2014

4th Period. Speaking Presentation Rubric

4th Period November   2014
Rubric for Speaking Presentation    
 Name: ________________________________________Grade:___/10

Uses vocabulary and expressions correctly.
Sometimes uses vocabulary and expressions correctly.
Uses only basic vocabulary and expressions.
Includes grammar structures correctly.
Makes few mistakes with grammar structures.
Uses basic structures, makes frequent errors
Good fluency sounds natural.
Hesitates too often when speaking.
Makes long pauses  which interfere  with communication
Pronunciation / Intonation
No problems with pronunciation.
Mispronounces few words, but the message is clear.
Frequent problems with pronunciation and intonation
The presentation is interesting; it includes visual aids and involves the audience.
The presentation was interesting at some points, don’t involve all the audience.
The presentation wasn´t well prepared, the audience was not paying attention.

4th Period Journals. 5th Semester

5° Semester Journals

1.         - Describe in a three paragraph essay one or more reading habits that you have, explain if it’s convenient for you and if is a way to relax or keep up with the news.

2. - Write a three paragraph essay how you enjoy your reading habits, name what, when, and where do you like to read them.
Due date for journals 1&2. Friday November the 14th 2014.

3. – In a three paragraph essay write how would you defend the quality of the reading material that you read.

4. - In three paragraphs, describe what is a natural disaster and how would you prepare for it.

Due date for journals 3&4. Friday November 21st 2014.

4th Period Journals. 3rd Semester

3° Semester Journals.

1. - Write a five paragraph reflection from the lecture “An Hour with Abuelo”
Due date: Monday, October 13th.

2. - Write a five paragraph essay explaining what a community in your own words is.
Due date for journals 1 & 2. Friday November 14th 2014.

3. - In five paragraphs describe how you relate the reading “The Great Migration” with the Big Question “What Makes a Community”.

4. - Write in five paragraph a reflection about the reading “The Great Migration”
Due date for journals 3 & 4. Friday November 21st 2014. 

4th Period Journals. 1st Semester

1° Semester Journals.

1. - In a five sentences paragraph, describe all electronic devices that you have at home.

2. - Write a five sentences paragraph what electronic devices you use at home and in the car.
Due date for Journals 1, 2. Friday November 14th 2014.

3. - In a five sentences paragraph conversation, suggest to a person a brand or model from an electronic device.

4. - Write a five sentences paragraph a conversation from any household appliance or machine that you have at home and it is in a bad condition from factory.

5. - Describe in a five sentences paragraph features from any electronic device that you like the most.
Due date for journals 3, 4, and 5. Friday November 21st 2014.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

3° Semester 4th Period Workshop Directions

3° Semester Workshop Instructions. Listening and Speaking.
Step 1. Think about it. In pairs discuss and review about “an hour with abuelo”, who are the characters? What generation do they represent? What is the setting? What are the main events?
Talk about the differences between your generation and your grandparents or parents generations.  Think of incidents that reveal generation gap. Example: Two grandchildren, who never learn to speak Spanish, visit their grandparents who speak little English. They communicate in spite of this. Choose one incident that would make a good skit, or short play.
Step 2. Gather and organize information. With your group, plan a skit based on your incident. Include a character for each member of the group.
Order your notes, prepare a script.
As a group make research in the internet of other sources to reinforce your presentation.
Step 3.  Practice and get ready for class presentation.
Step 4. Evaluate the presentation with a check mark (ü) or an (X ) if the team committed the prompts.
You will improve your skills as a speaker and a listener by evaluating each
Items to be Evaluated
Was the group topic clear?
Did the speakers use sensory details to help listeners create a picture in their minds?
Could you hear and understand each speaker easily?
Were the transitions between speakers smooth and logical?
What suggestions do you have for improving the group presentation?
Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

5° Semester Journals 3rd Period

1.       - Describe in a three paragraph how you organize your daily activities.
Due Date: Monday, October 13th.

2. - Write a three paragraph essay describing an express service that you have required.
3. - Write a three paragraph essay evaluating the quality of the service that you required.
    Due Date for Journals 2 and 3: Thursday, October 23rd.

4. - In a three paragraph essay describe how do you plan a meeting or social event (meeting with friends, or a family social event).
    Due Date: Thursday, October 30th.

3° Semester Journals 3rd Period

1. - Write a five paragraph reflection about what life lesson teach you the lecture “Mother to Son”.
Due date: Monday, October 13th.

2. - Write a five paragraph essay about the important differences between your generation and the old generation.

3. - in a five paragraph essay describe the generation gap from the new and old generation.
Due Date for Journal 2 and 3: Thursday, October 23rd.

4. - write in a five paragraph essay describing the benefits from your generation.
Due Date: Thursday, October 30th.

1° semester journals 3rd period

1. - In a five sentences paragraph describe a local restaurant that you frequently visit.

Due Date: Monday, October 13th .

2. - Write a paragraph about how you usually order in a restaurant.
Due Date: Friday, October 17th  

3. - In a five sentences paragraph describe what kinds of food do you like the most from a restaurant.

4. - Write a five sentences paragraph what is the common conversation when speaking to a server.
Due Date For Journals 3 and 4: Friday, October 24th 

5. - describe in a five sentences paragraph which is your favorite restaurant and why?
Due Date: Thursday, October 30th

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Journals for 5° Semester

Journal # 2, 3
5 semester. - Journal 2. - Write a three paragraph essay describing a medical or dental emergency (use what, how, and when happened to describe your emergency).

Journal 3. -  Describe two different medications that you or your family has tried and which from the two work on you or your family and explain how (see page 20 for ideas). 
Due date: September Friday 19th 

journals for 3° semester

Journal #2, 3
3 semester. - Journal 2.- Write a five paragraph essay about how generations in your family differ  each other, and what member from your family do you resemble  the most.

Journal 3. -  Describe what you would like to study in a near future (look at anthology page 72 academic words for ideas to describe your essay). 
Due date: September Friday 19th 

journals for 1° semester

Journal #2, 3
1 semester. -  Journal 2. Write a five sentences paragraph describing the location of a specific place (bank, store, theatre, park, etc.).

Journal 3: Describe an event from your city and give details about it like: price, location, event, and date. Here are some options (country fair, concert, sports event, etc.).
due date: September Friday 19th