jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

3° Semester 4th Period Workshop Directions

3° Semester Workshop Instructions. Listening and Speaking.
Step 1. Think about it. In pairs discuss and review about “an hour with abuelo”, who are the characters? What generation do they represent? What is the setting? What are the main events?
Talk about the differences between your generation and your grandparents or parents generations.  Think of incidents that reveal generation gap. Example: Two grandchildren, who never learn to speak Spanish, visit their grandparents who speak little English. They communicate in spite of this. Choose one incident that would make a good skit, or short play.
Step 2. Gather and organize information. With your group, plan a skit based on your incident. Include a character for each member of the group.
Order your notes, prepare a script.
As a group make research in the internet of other sources to reinforce your presentation.
Step 3.  Practice and get ready for class presentation.
Step 4. Evaluate the presentation with a check mark (ü) or an (X ) if the team committed the prompts.
You will improve your skills as a speaker and a listener by evaluating each
Items to be Evaluated
Was the group topic clear?
Did the speakers use sensory details to help listeners create a picture in their minds?
Could you hear and understand each speaker easily?
Were the transitions between speakers smooth and logical?
What suggestions do you have for improving the group presentation?
Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

Team 4

Team 5

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